Why Does My AC System in Caroline, VA, Keep Turning Off?
When an air conditioner turns on and off for any reason before it can complete a cooling cycle, we call this short cycling. Considering the great damage that it can wreak on an AC system, it’s important for every homeowner in Caroline, VA, who encounters this issue to get it sorted out. Here are a few reasons your AC system might be short cycling:
Dirty Filters
If dirt and other debris have caked onto the mesh of your AC system’s air filters, they will threaten to slow down or entirely block airflow through it. If this happens, the probability that your system will overheat will vastly increase. In response to such overheating, safety features in your air conditioner may cause it to shut down long before its current cooling cycle is over.
Luckily, the solution to this problem is simple. Just remember to check your AC system’s filters every month and replace them at least every three months. That way, debris accumulation won’t grow severe enough to choke off airflow.
Low Refrigerant Levels
Without refrigerant, your AC system would lose the ability to transfer heat from one place to another, making cooling impossible. If your air conditioner sustains a leak of this all-important substance, its ability to carry out its core functions will decline, and its evaporator coil may even freeze, causing everything to shut down.
The only way to properly handle a refrigerant leak is to request professional help. Refrigerant is toxic, and attempting to replace it on your own puts you at risk of neurological damage. HVAC service technicians can perform this work for you during regular maintenance.
Oversized AC System
Lastly, your AC system may simply be too large and powerful for your home. If so, it’ll cool everything down before passing through a whole cycle. In this case, you’ll have to replace it with a smaller one.
Short cycling isn’t merely annoying — it’s potentially dangerous. If you don’t address it, it will threaten your AC system’s ability to function. Call our team at Custom/Design Heating & Air Conditioning to enjoy the best AC repair services in Caroline, VA.
Image provided by iStock
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