Should You Repair or Replace Your Home’s HVAC Unit?

If the HVAC system in your Fredericksburg, Virginia, home has needed its share of small repairs or recently had a major breakdown, you may be debating whether to keep fixing it or purchase a whole new system. Here are some things you should consider when making the important decision to repair or replace your home’s HVAC system.

System Age

The expected lifespan of your system depends on the type of HVAC. Furnaces can be expected to last 15 to 20 years while heat pumps and air conditioners usually last 10 to 12 years. If you maintain your system as recommended by the manufacturer, your system will likely survive until the higher end of these ranges. But if it’s nearing the end of its life, it could be time for a replacement.

Heating and Cooling Costs

According to Energy Star, you could save up to 20 percent on your home’s heating and cooling costs by replacing an HVAC system once it’s older than 15 years. If your utility bills have been creeping up, you can lower your heating and cooling costs, as well as your carbon footprint by choosing replacement over repair.

Frequency and Cost of Repairs

Most HVAC systems can be repaired, but as they get older, you’ll find that the repairs are needed more often and become more costly. When you’re faced with a high repair bill for an aging system, you should weigh the cost of the repair and future expected repairs against the cost of a new system. Use this simple equation to compare:

If the age of your HVAC system multiplied by the cost of the repair is more than the cost of the new system, it makes financial sense to purchase a replacement.

You should also look into federal and state tax advantages of purchasing a new, energy-efficient system.

If you’re struggling with this decision, contact the experienced team at Custom/Design Heating & Air Conditioning for an HVAC consultation. Call (540) 602-4119 in the Fredericksburg area to learn more about our high-quality Trane HVAC products.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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